Sean Sweeney, Maryland, USA, co- leader had a very laid back attitude to we cyclists but not to the administration and safety of the tour. He was a great tease and if breakfast was 7.00am, at 7.01am he would shout 'has everyone had their breakfast'. This was for the benefit of the late risers who were still in their tents. On my hardest day, the day of the Texas strong wind, he and I rode together and he encouraged me all the way. I sometimes wonder if I could have completed that day without him. A very kind man.
Robert 'C' Christopher,South Carolina,USA is a lovely man whom I befriended in San Diego before the tour started. He struggled on the hills but coped very well on the flat. He loves food and ate his way across America, eating four pancakes in one sitting. I was amazed to see that he brought a full sized pillow - comfort? He also had the heaviest bag which everyone refused to move.
Alannah Holgate, the second youngest cyclist is from New Zealand. She had a sharp wit and was always ready with a quick reply. Along with her father Alan, she enjoyed late starts and liked to stop for 2nd breakfasts. They were both strong cyclists but liked to take their time, explore shops and restaurants so were usually last into camp.
Alan Holgate, Dunedin, New Zealand was on the tour with daughter, Alannah. They cycled together constantly and I admired the close relationship that they enjoyed. They seemed close friends rather that father and daughter. I greatly appreciated his help when I was cooking dinner after an exhausting day in the hills.
Lars Erlandsen is from Kirkenes, Norway, a most northerly point. He has competed in both Mountain and Road Biking. The strongest cyclist of the group he could leave two hours after the main group but still be first in. He offered me advise on bikes and bike maintenance which was of great help. Like me, he had a problem making himself understood and I sometimes wondered if he felt a bit isolated. Often, he would be quiet but when he smiled his whole face lit up and he could beome quite animated. Lars completed EFI, Coast to Coast.
Jon Min, New Jersey, USA at 24 years was the baby of the group and one of the strongest cyclists. Jon was the 'flat king' having more flats than anyone else. He was constantly cleaning and fine tuning his bike. He was very helpful to me when I had problems with my phone and bike. After map meeting Jon would give us a weather report for the next day. A really lovely, friendly boy who is a credit to himself and his family.
Robert M ( Monaghan ), North Carolina, USA was another strong cyclist. He researched the places we passed through and would give a short 'history talk' each night after map meeting. He would meander along making detours to visit places of interest. A very clever, witty, friendly man who made us all laugh. When he and Dan got together it was a laugh a minute. Robert cycled EFI, from Coast to Coast.
Lisa Purnell, from England had no problems understanding my Scottish accent so she and I became friends from day 1. She has cycle toured extensively in the USA and had a fund of knowledge about America and tour life, almost like a 3rd tour leader. A very sensible, friendly girl she was popular with all but unfortunately had to take time out in the van due to health issues. She was knocked off her bike a few days before the end of our trip by a car driver opening a door in her path. Thankfully she had only minor injuries.
Merv Box, Washington,USA was one of the very early risers in camp along with Dee and Robert C. A strong, steady cyclist on the flatlands, he didn't like the hills. He and Dee cycled most of the trip together and were great friends. A very supportive, friendly man who who would go out of his way to be of help. Merv cycled EFI, from Coast to Coast.
Dan Pilliard was a late signing to the group. He retired recently and his goal is to cycle all the continents of the world. He had just completed a cycle tour in Africa, now America and in July is cycling from Russia to Portugal. A very funny man with a ready giggle, when he and Robert M got together they were like a comedy act.. Dan had a problem understanding my accent saying 'sorry,I didn't understand a word of that'. He didn't like to cycle in the rain and took a day out in the van on the one day it rained.
Dee Griffin, San Diego, USA was another late signing. She was the oldest member of the group but a very fit lady. Very strong on the flat but not so used to the hills. Dee lives in a boat moored in San Diego bay. San Diego has a mild, year round climate so Dee had to buy a rain jacket for the trip, having never cycled in the rain before. Another of the early morning risers Dee liked her coffee promptly at 6.00am. Dee cycled EFI, from Coast to Coast.
Todd Ericksen,Washington, USA. Todd and I cycled quite a lot together, especially in the east,in the hills, where our pace was compatable.Many a time he pulled me into camp when I was beginning to tire. He and I cycled 'a century' together when we took a wrong turning He is a caring, witty man with a dead pan delivery which appealed to me. I shall miss his company. Todd cycled EFI, from Coast to Coast.