Tuesday 17 April 2012

A Day in the Life of a Trans America Biker....

I thought I might try to explain the routine of the day. Whoever is on cooking duty gives Dave a list of shopping, enough for 14 people. This is bought in the morning, by him, and is ready for you to prepare, on a 2 burner gas ring, when you roll into camp. You just hope you are cooking on a low mileage day and not a 90 miler. This happened to me the last time it was my turn and I didn't get my tent up till after 8.00pm. Woe is me. When we arrive in camp the van is already there and snacks eg. Crisps, biscuits, nuts, fruit, soft drinks and beer are waiting. After sampling and relaxing I haul my two bags out the van and pick a suitable site to pitch my tent. Usually near a tree so Spike can have a rest and I can hang my washing. I take my sleep mat out first and let it self inflate while I put the tent up which I can do in about 3 minutes, poles slotted into groundsheet, inner clipped on then outer fly clipped into place and tightened. Pegs hammered in and that's it. Next I strip Spike of his 2 bags, map, bike computer and video camera and put them in the tent. I blow up the mat, if I have any puff left, then prepare my sleeping bag and pillow. I made a wee flannelette pillow case for my travel pillow and I love it. Next, I shower, change, hand washing or laundry done then sit in the glorious sunshine and blether till meal time. After our meal, we have a map meeting when the leaders go over the route for the next day and we decide what time breakfast will be. Then, I usually write up my diary and update my blog and perhaps visit a Dairy Queen for a late ice-cream. Next morning I try and rise an hour before breakfast. In the early stages of our trip I could be up as early as 5.30am when it was dark, windy and freezing. I stagger to the shower block, torch in hand, wash and dress there for warmth. Then stagger back to my tent and prepare for the road. Chuck everything out of tent and load Spike up first; bags, map, video camera, and check I have phone, passport etc. Roll clothes and other things and pack bag. All in the dark. The tent is now empty apart from mat and sleeping bag. I now stuff, stuff and stuff that darned bag into its small sack and tighten the straps. I can get it down to 6"x7". Next I open the mat valve and fold it in half, lengthways, I hurl myself on it to expell the air, close valve, roll matt,hurl and expell air, roll matt hurl and expell air till it is rolled up. Next the tent, pegs out, outerfly unclipped and rolled, inner fly unclipped and rolled, ground sheet folded and poles unclipped and folded. I now take my two bags and heave them onto the van. We make our own breakfast and lunch - I have cereal and orange juice then make cheese roll, banana, 2 biscuits and some crisps. Although exhausted by my efforts I now get on Spike and cycle into the sunrise for another enjoyable/gruelling day in the saddle. Isn't life wonderful, just love it....