Saturday, 31 March 2012
Lovely Tail Wind to Fort Hancock
Cruising to El Paso on Hwy 28.
There has been mutterings in some quarters that my daily blog is not arriving in time to enjoy with the cornflakes. I can confirm that I update it nightly in my dark tent but sometimes there is no signal so it is the next day before it departs. We are now going into the wilds of Texas so smoke signals could be even more lacking. I'll do my best. We had a lovely late start today, 8.00am and the sun was up so warmer.We were cycling just 55.1 miles, and the El Paso Hostel where we are staying couldn't take us till 2.00pm so no rush. Yippee, a proper bed and no tent packing. Today we crossed from New Mexico into Texas.On leaving Las Cruces immediately got lost and added a few unneccesary miles just for the fun of it. Visited Old Las Cruce Town which was 'real neat'. Saw courthouse where Billy the Kid was sentenced to hang. This is very prosperous looking area, farmland, pecan trees to the horizon and now also vineyards. I have been surprisingly impressed with what I have seen of NM. Green, scenic, prosperous, people extremely helpful. I had stopped at the roadside to have a drink and a motor bike passed. The guy went a couple of hundred yards down the road, turned, came back and asked if I was ok. Thoughtful. The roads into El Paso were extremely busy. Three lanes of traffic hurtling along. The family would have a fit if they could see me. EP is a big sprawling town with a huge history. Maybe more on this tomorrow. Alannah has picked up a tummy bug so rode in the van today. Another state down - 5 to go. Texas is the biggest .....still loving it.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Skunk Skulking Around M and M's.
Woke in the middle of theoo night to the shout of 'skunk', footsteps and whispering. I quickly checked my tent zips were all closed and cooried down in my sleeping bag. Apparently, Robert M had awakened to the sound of rustling, got up and found a skunk had managed to get into the food box and was pulling out a bag of M and M's. He had a job chasing him off as he was a determined wee devil. Glad he didn't come near me!!! Anyway, rose late at 6.30 as this had to be a relatively easy day of 60.9 miles from Arrey to Los Cruces. Flat with rolling hills. After about 25 miles the gang stopped for second breakfast at Hatch. I had pancake with fried egg ' over easy'???? This area is rich farming land for chillies and pecans. The photo above is of stark pecan trees stretching into the distance. Some fields are flooded in water, some are not. Just in different stages of growth. The day became quite arduous due to a strong headwind and the heat. I find more than anything this , give me the cooler hills anytime. I usually arrive in camp mid afternoon so this gives me plenty time to get organised and rest. We are well looked after, beer or soft drinks plus nibbles await us. We only have to ask for something and it is provided. This is a diverse group of people. Most cycle alone but pair up from time to time. This gives you the best of both worlds, the freedom of the open road but also security if you need it. El Paso tomorrow. Still loving this life......
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Reaching for the Sky in Emory Pass, 8228 ft.

Had the best nights sleep yet in this darned tent. 10.00pm to 5.00am but woke to a dark, below freezing morning. The wind chill made it worse so we were all huddled in the laundrette having breakfast. Left, to do 60 miles, with long winter gloves and 4 layers on. I know by 10.00am, I will be peeling them off as, as the day goes on the temperature will reach the high 80's. This is the day we go over Emory Pass, our tour high point, 8228 ft. We started at just over 5000 ft and climbed to the top over 18 miles. It was a wonderful steep, steady cycle with deep gullies, high cliffs, pockets of snow with the sun filtering through the trees. There was a stunning viewing point at the top looking over the valley and distant mountain ranges. This is the land of the Chiricahui Apache who were rounded up in 1886 as prisoners of war. They were eventually released in 1911 but not allowed to return to their homeland. Our climbing efforts were rewarded by a terrific 10 mile descent but as we levelled out we had to contend with a strong headwind. Stopped in Hilllsboro and had some of their famous Bumbleberry Pie with ice-cream. The pie is made with raspberry, rhubarb, peaches and blueberries, mmmm. We are camping in Caballo State Park tonight beside the Rio Grande. I am acquiring the cyclists tan - arms to wrists, top of knee to ankle and to finish it off, panda eyes!!!! Linda will be horrified. Jon and Alan made beef stew with mashed potatoes tonight - lovely. We are certainly well looked after but at the same time given freedom to stop and explore. It just gets better and better.....still loving it.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Frolicking at 7340 ft on the Route to Mimbres...
I Love Silver City
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Silver City and a Day Off. Yippee
New Mexico Here We Come
Monday, 26 March 2012
Safford in a Hurry.
Brutal Hills on the Road to Globe
Lazy Day in Phoenix
No Smoke Signals In Them Thar Hills
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Tempe to Globe To Safford onto Buckham
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Murder and Mayhem on the Road to Phoenix.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Apache's on the Road to Wickenburg
'No Firearms Allowed'. Apparently, Arizona is the only state that allows firearms to be worn. Plaque outside Wickensburg told of Massacre, in 1871, by Apache's of 6 men and one woman who were riding in a stagecoach between towns. Gave me a strange feeling.
So far there have been 6 'flats' in the group. Still going strong, still loving it......
Monday, 19 March 2012
Storm Alley at Salome.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Goodbye California.Hello Arizona.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Flying Scotswoman on the Trail to Palo Verde.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Thanks for comments Lyndsay and Scott. You inspire me and make me laugh. Can't seem to get into my comments to reply properly. Love Janiski.
Freezer to Furnace on the Road to Brawley. 67.6 miles
Had good early morning start at 6.00am. More organised now. Dismantled tent etc before b'fast to warm me up as it was below freezing brrrr. Straight into the hills again but ' muscles macmillan' was fit for it. Felt good. Passed close to Mexican border, high wall and fence disappearing into distance. Custom patrols everywhere. Next, 10 miles of very steep descent which took us into Yuha Desert. Long flat road for the next 37 miles. No shelter. I began to flag after a while and had to take a break under the only tree in sight. The fact there was a dunghill there didn't matter. Temperature reached 94 deg and we are not even in Gulf.Actually, quite rich farmland in places. Hay bales piled at side of road waiting for transportation. Rich crops growing fed by canal irrigation. Meeting interesting people, 86 year old man originally from Netherlands. He was translater for Hitler and now he and his family own big ranch out here............ Jackson on traffic duty telling us about Mexican infiltration. Staying at compound tonight with swimming pool. Got in just after 3.00pm boiling and jumped straight in pool. Lovely. Love my tent but hate it in the morning when I have to pack it. Bike and me fine, I can see the heat is going to be a problem, but I am not the only one. Think I will call the bike Spike, long story that involves an iguana. Lisa has knee problems so rode in the van today and tomorrow, hoping it improves. Still loving it....
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Alpine to Boulevard 35.8 miles. Up, Up, Up.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Fantastic First Day to Alpine.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Last Day, Holiday Over
Visited 'old town' in sunny SD today. Fascinating hearing about American/Mexican war of Liberation. This is a beautiful city with plenty to offer, history, scenic, beach, music, arts. Sorry to leave but tomorrow is the big day. There are now12 of us with 2 leaders. 4 women and 8 men. 2 from NZ, 1 Norway, 1 England, 7 Americans and me. Some seem very experienced touring cyclists so I hope I hold my own. Had team talk tonight but no surprises. Head for Pacific first thing in the morning,dip back wheels then go 'east young woman'. Next stop the Atlantic. Bring it on. Excited but nervous. Still loving it.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Its Just Like Bay Watch
Went to supermarket and bought food for lunch, dinner and tomorrow. Really like this hostelling way of life. People come and go everday but all sit with you and chat. Met four more riders Jonathon, Todd,Daniel and another Robert. All Americans. Weather sunny again by afternoon so went for cycle. Got sunburnt yesterday so covered up. Just saying. Cycled round Mission Bay Park to Pacific Beach and Mission Beach. Very family friendly. Kids playing 'soccer', sports days. Toilets about every 200 yds. Cycled down beach boulevard. Just like Bay Watch. Skaters,walkers,cyclists max 8mph, skateboarders etc. Young beautiful people. Lifeguards advising surfers where to surf. Back at hostel made smors over open fire. Two large biscuits with chocolate and toasted marshmallow inbetween. Mmm.... Clocks have gone forward an hour so only 7 hours behind you now.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Fascinating Sunday
Robert persuaded me to go with him to the nearby Presbyterian Church and I'm glad he did. Received a warm welcome at door and given my name on a sticker. Inside Paster John was quickly greeting us and interested to hear I was from the 'Mother' country. Service totally different. Big screen with hymns and then headings about sermon. Much clapping during singing and after readings. Minister just in suit. Church was packed, a lot of men and young people. All curious about us and our travels. Do I live in Brecon,eh no...Very contempory service. I enjoyed it. Duller today. Wanted to go Downtown but no buses running. Maybe cycle later Still loving it....
A Day of Highs and Lows.......
Recovering from jet lag. Made two huge pancakes this morning but couldn't finish them. Too greedy. Decided to cycle to phone shop as having a few probs with mobile. About to set off when I noticed I had a puncture. Couldn't believe it and I haven't even started. Walked to bike shop and had it sorted. Guys gave me new tube for free when they heard my story. Nice. Cycled slowly to beach, watching traffic on WRONG side of road. Met Robert, fellow cyclist and we cycled out to lighthouse, 20 miles, stunning views. Huge military cemetary above the bay. Robert thought some 'significant' hills. He obviously hasn't cycled on Arran. Just pimples. San Diego is clean, scenic, vibrant. People extremely friendly and tolerant of nervous female cyclist. Must go, time for hostel BBQ.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Sunny San Diego
Basking in the sun having spent a couple of hours assembling bike. All looks good. Hostel is basic but adequate. Made pancakes with syrup for breakfast, poured batter from jug. Easy. People very friendly and helpful. Interested in what I am doing. I have to repeat myself the whole time. I see blank look come over their face as I waffle on. One guy thought I was Russian.
Janice in San Diego
From Murray.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Goodbye, See You In California
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Well My Bags Are Packed and I'm Ready To Leave
Squeezed in At Last |
All Ready to Go |